Note: Cloudflare will conclude the referral program for WARP+ on November 1, 2024. At that time, new referral codes will no longer be provided. When your device consumes existing referral allotment you will automatically migrate to the WARP free plan. You will not lose connectivity.
If you would like to continue using WARP+ beyond that point, you can subscribe by following the upgrade instructions in the app.
If you are on the version of the app, you can turn on WARP with the "enable" button on the lower right of the screen. Or, tap the hamburger menu on the top right, then select " with WARP".
To try WARP+, our limited data plan, you simply have to refer people to download the app. To do this, tap the Share button on the home page of the app, or tap the hamburger menu on the top right and tap "Share to get 100MB free each month".
To subscribe to WARP+Unlimited, you can purchase a subscription. The price for the subscription is located on the button at the bottom of the app home screen. Tapping that button will bring up a dialog for you to confirm your subscription. All payments are handled by the Google/Apple app store, and the payment information associated with your Google/Apple account will be charged for these subscriptions.